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Friday, September 3, 2010

The Difference A Garage Makes

I was thinking about garages last night, and how they come in all shapes and sizes. Even a carport would be nice. I have never lived anywhere with a garage. Now maybe that seems unremarkable, but since I am now 48 years old, I have to look back over my life and ask "Why?" Why have I never lived in a place with a garage? Garages afford a private place to do laundry, work on the car, store the artificial Christmas the recyclables, have a sale! Garages seem to be success symbols to my eyes. People who have garages are protected from the weather when going to and from their car. People who have garages, especially attached ones, live a strangely luxurious life, I think. I hope by the time I am 58, I can look back at this blog entry and say "Well, that was written BEFORE I ever had a garage!!!" Then, i will consider myself to have "arrived."

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