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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

writing love poems

How do you write a love poem? First, you have to love something or someone. Are you capable of feeling love? Or are you shut off? If you are shut off, then you need to start freewriting a journal about every good thing that has ever happened in your life so that you can discover what it is you love. Another way to write a love poem is to use your wild imagination and create the Harlequin Romance Man of the Month in your mind and then write specific lines to this fantasy person: here's an example:
i want to live underneath your whiskers, live inside your breath, eat the air all around you like a fabulous piece of pie. Okay, do those examples seem a little bit over-exaggerated? Maybe they are, but why not? When is the last time you really let yourself go in your writing, let the thoughts flow out of your mind to the keyboard, or pen to paper? When will be the first time that you find out what it feels like to unleash your deepest vocabulary? Let your ideas grow one from the other? Make some good strong coffee, get some half and half, turn on the lights and start writing. And then what do you do with what you write? Do you keep it to yourself or do you share it? Do you show the poetry to whoever inspired it? Will your friends laugh at you for writing to an imaginary person? Probably not. Probably, they will be happy that you could write something so beautiful and entertaining. Try it. It will grow on you.

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