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Saturday, March 6, 2010

joy of early rising

The coffee is fresh and hot, birds are chirping outside the window, and there is the promise of a friend to visit so this is starting out to be a good Saturday. I didn't sleep in--I never do. Some people take the chance to sleep in on Saturday morning--especially if they've been working all week. But me--well my internal clock wakes me up about 5 or 6 a.m. Now, this is not how I always lived. I used to wake up at noon every day, but that's a whole different story. Now, I am a morning person and with that comes joy. There is the early morning chill through the open window where my cat Pumpkin likes to hang out. There is my friend Betty who gets up early, too, cause her cat Fred wakes her at 3 or 4 every morning. I could call her and go eat some breakfast. I could go play cards with another friend. I could go walk at the park, collect rocks from the cool creek water, watch the sun rise orange through the trees. It's morning time! I can't believe I let half my life go by sleeping in. Not any more. Now, it's early to bed, early to rise and I'm living a whole new lifestyle. So I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.

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