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Friday, March 5, 2010

a love poem

I see the full moon bright through the river trees
High up as we wait for the 6:30 bell--"Fish Now!!!"
Our waders baptized
by the small wave of trout fin
oh so lovely to be in
that depth with you (by my side)

You still live a world away
come visit my planet and stay awhile
Let's go to the Pisgah National Forest
in North Carolina, let's go to Amsterdam, let's
go to a lake and find fish shimmering
on the ends of our hooks

I want to fall into waters with you
I want to eat apples by a ravine
Let's go to Taroko Gorge
Climb the red spiral steps winding down
a mountain side toward the hot springs

Let's eat together every single meal
Like a sacred blessing
Like a wing
Like a butterfly just learning how to flutter
Her fragile wings, and you in all your toughness
will become the wild boy you always were in your heart

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