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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Grandma Trenkle Trap

what do you do when you think about something all the time but can't get up the nerve or find the right time to bring it up? I am not the only woman who goes through this process. But I am aware of the consequences of keeping something you need to talk about or know about all to yourself. What can happen is that in your mind you start to make decisions and assumptions about what's going on when in fact you don't even have all the necessary information to do that. My Grandma Trenkle used to be like that with her family. She'd start slamming cabinet doors and I'd know something was wrong but when I'd ask her the proverbial "nothing" was her response. So I walk a fine line right now. I see myself falling into the Grandma Trap in my mind, but not acting it out in person. Yet. That's the operative word. I'm in a new relationship that brings a lot of questions to my mind but mostly i'm keeping them to myself trying to wait it out. If I can just stay steady and not ever get to the point of slamming cabinets.

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