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Thursday, August 26, 2010

a new character--Olivia

Olivia was a basket case the morning she found out her dog had been hit by a car. She went ahead and made coffee because she knew Barney was coming over to visit. Barney would know what to do about burying her dead dog. She couldn't just leave the dead dog to the spot by the tree where she had dragged it. Barney liked his coffee strong and black so she set out to grind some French Roast beans and fill the coffee pot with filtered water. Olivia's medicine sat on the kitchen table untouched. She knew she needed to take it--it had been four days since she had taken her last dosage.Sometimes she just didn't care. But now she had reached a crisis point. Four days with no medicine and a bright beautiful morning only to discover her dead dog on the road by the circle drive. Should she take it as an omen? No, it wasn't time to over react. She just needed to drink some coffee and visit with Barney.

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