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Saturday, June 12, 2010

a vision

They lived by the river in three old schoolbusses. Yellow ones at the beginning, but now custom painted and decorated. Hers was filled with art and flowers, his with trophy fish and taxidermized deer. They lived in harmony with nature, eating things they grew in a huge garden and fresh fish and meat like squirrel and once in a while even opposum. It was a beautiful life until when she was eight months pregnant and they were swimming in the river she got bit by a water moccasin and they couldn't make it to the hospital and she died in his arms in the river and like the great hunter that he was he cut out her heart and buried it in a tin in the dirt. It's my new idea for a novel. I'm working out who the characters are, how they get to a place called schoolbusville. How they get along and interact. I don't even think I know how to write a novel. I just write a lot of descriptive stuff and it doesn't go anywhere. I don't know what to do, how to proceed. I guess to just freewrite for a while and see what happens. I don't know if I should incorporate the school bus by the river idea into my last attempt at a novel with Barney and Lisa in what I titled The Crazy of Wind. Maybe that's how the old story would end. With her dying in his arms in the river. How tragic and how sad it is that readers thrive on stuff like that. It's partly why I have resisted my natural ability to write that kind of story because I don't want to promote unrealistic fantasy of love type thinking because I think that damages women's abilities to have realistic relationships with men....that has always been my experience, my theory. But some are encouraging me to just write what I know, so I'm going to use my blog for that for a little while and see how that works out.

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