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Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Riverking

When I was at the creek earlier, I got inspired by the sight of water, sound of water, trees, fish swimming, the sky so blue, the sun, the kingfisher bird i saw....I was thinking about the novel idea and some of the descriptions for each schoolbus setting, and the reasons why they decided to go live by the river. Well, when should the part about her getting bit by the water moccasin and dying in his arms in the river be in the organization of the novel? Halfway through so the last part is all about how the man becomes The Riverking after he loses the woman in the river. He withdraws completely from society, has his supplies brought in once every few weeks by an old friend.....he lives mostly though on fish he catches every day.And then one day he decides to go back to the world from which he came. He shaves and cleans up and gets some clothes and shoes for going to town. He goes to visit his parents. He applies for a job. He goes to a Starbucks. He buys a telescope. He rents a one bedroom loft and starts taking nature photographs and selling them to National Geographic and such. And then he looks in the mirror one day and doesn't remember who she used to be. That scares him so he drives out to the schoolbus property in his nice clothes and he goes to her gravesite and somehow that's where it ends with a montage of their lives together, what he had, what he lost, and the question is will he go back to town or stay in the schoolbus world again?

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