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Friday, May 21, 2010

where have i been?

So much has been going on that I have been in a state of writing paralysis but today i make myself write no matter what. About an idea for a new writing called The Pill Hunter or something like that but its about a man who goes from society after a tragic life altering event to live from the river and woods. And I need to write about being a writing teacher and about being a mother and about valuing female friendships and about falling in love at any age and about the beauty of container gardening. About standing someone up for a date, about getting really drunk and blacking out, about eating french toast for breakfast, going to dig for worms and coming back emptyhanded, about getting a vintage outboard for a boat, and so much more. There is where I will focus my writing. I must try so much harder to be faithful and write everyday this summer. I have been out of school for two weeks now and in a haze of daze and mindfog. But here I emerge with a new mission and a slew of new topics. I don't know if I will post pictures with each post or not. That was fun but limiting. And off we go, again!

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