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Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day means so many different things; everyone focuses on their own version of the holiday, so let me focus on my version. Of course I am grateful to all the veterans who gave their lives, but I am also grateful for all the people I have known in my life, some of whom I would like to mention here in my Memorial Day blog:

my parents, Ken Gardzinski, Mike Slowey, Ben Hill, Jacquie Fortner, Starr Hawk, my mom, my daughter, Geoff, and that's all I can think of for now....

Oh, to be young again! Memories of youth surround us on Memorial day. We don't just think of those who gave their lives, but of those who lives were given to us in the form of friendship and love. We must remember our past and pay homage to those who have influenced us, helped us, hurt us, been a part of our memories. On Memorial Day, we must practice remembrance.

I fly the flag of memory everyday but on this day it billows and flows in the wind of my mind.

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