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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

the nature of a poem

I got the bad news about a poem I have spent a lot of time on. One of my poet friends doesn't like it, doesn't think it resonates, doesn't think it's finished. I'm not upset about the fact of his critique, just that I had spent so much time on it and was happy with the progress and evolution. Now I have about five different revisions of the poem, different versions from when I cut and pasted and changed and moved and re wrote. I think the next step is to give out the two most finished versions to several different people and see what the reaction is. After all, it's not just one person's opinion or judgement that matters, right? If that were the case, who would ever get published? Who would keep trying? I need to let that poem see the light of the day, get into the public's hands, be read by eyes other than mine. That's the nature of a poem anyway.

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